Ryan Bigg

⟵ Posts

The Chronicles of Narley

01 Jan 2013

Possibly goes by the name of Keith Scale.

Other possible aliases: CakePHP, AfricanAmerican, d0inks, ruubed, BillLadvey, Ruddly, micks, micks_, and ebon

Still hasn’t learnt his lesson afer being kicked (and banned) under so many names.

These are The Chronicles of Narley, sourced from http://thesaq.com/rubyonrails:

[00:04] <Narley> I DONT GET IT
[00:04] <Narley> SYSLOG
[00:05] <Narley> CAN connect
[00:05] <Narley> but my app cant
[00:05] <Narley> wtf

[00:11] <bitsweat> can you connect with your mysql client?
[00:11] <Narley> dude
[00:11] <bitsweat> mysql -u username -p databasename
[00:11] <Narley> with rails?

[02:45] <Narley> uninitialized constant ApplicationController::AuthenticatedSystem
[02:46] <Narley> what does that mean lol?

[02:59] <Narley> wtf
[02:59] <Narley> can somone help me out?
[02:59] <Narley> a clue or something

[03:03] <unthinkingly> Narley: If you need help with an error, we need to see the code that created the error as well as the error, if that makes sense
[03:03] <Narley> you guys are gonna steal it from me
[03:04] <Kinbote> Narley: yes, i will steal it, and i will use your pastie error to found the next google-kiler company, i will make a billion dollars and i won't give you anything other than a t-shirt

[03:06] <pythonic> sheesh.. there is nothing new under the sun
[03:06] <pythonic> everything is meaningless
[03:06] <Narley> then why you wasting your time in rails?
[03:07] <Narley> dont ever say that every thing is meannless in my presence

[12:26] <Narley> Hi
[12:26] <Narley> i have a question
[12:26] <Narley> does anyone by anychance know how to give a user thier own subdomain
[12:27] <Narley> ?
[12:30] <Geffy> Narley: check out the advanced rails recipes book, think its got some details on that
[12:31] <Narley> they want 40 Dollars for that book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[12:32] <rsl> Narley: if learning rails isn't worth 40 bucks. :/
[12:32] <Narley> ill get it im just saying
[12:32] <zubin> Narley: yeah, it's a hell of a deal! :)
[12:32] <rsl> and 40 bucks isn't even a lot.
[12:32] <Narley> 40 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[20:50] <Narley> anyone here have advanced rails recipes?
[20:50] <Quastor> got it yesterday
[20:51] <Narley> ok
[20:51] <Narley> have you looked at the Subdomain recipe
[20:51] <Narley> i just bought the pdf today
[20:52] <Quastor> not yet but the book is in front of me
[20:52] <Narley> bah
[20:52] <Narley> the subdomain recipe aint workin
[20:53] <Radar> Narley: yes indeed I have that book.
[20:53] <Radar> It's on my desk.
[20:53] <Radar> At work.
[20:54] <Radar> Define how it isn't working.
[20:56] <Narley> Radar
[20:56] <Narley> like for instance
[20:56] <Narley> when i make a user account from my code
[20:56] <Narley> i want it to automatically route to subdomain
[20:56] <Narley> i do that
[20:56] <Narley> and it dont work
[20:56] <Narley> peace of shit boook
[20:56] <Narley> i got ripped off
[20:57] <Narley> is thier any way i can return it?
[20:57] <Radar> Narley: what version of rails are you using?
[20:57] <Narley> 2.1
[20:57] <Narley> the latest and greatest
[20:57] <Quastor> is your DNS set correctly?
[20:58] <Narley> Dynamic Naming Server?
[20:58] <Narley> it did mention something about it
[20:58] <Narley> where do i fix that stuff at?
[20:58] <Quastor> -_- so you complain about the book but skip over steps
[20:59] <Narley> it didnt give me anything or tell me where to edit DNS
[20:59] <Narley> i think its a book bug?
[20:59] <Quastor> no
[20:59] <Radar> Sick 'im Quastor.
[21:00] <Quastor> you'd alter the DNS with whoever you have your domain set up with
[21:00] <Radar> Or you edit your /etc/hosts file.
[21:00] <Narley> ok
[21:01] <workdammit> i'm in your dns server, poisoning it
[21:01] <Narley> so like on 37signals thiers a guy who edits the host file on the server maually for every new account?

[21:02] <Narley> yeah
[21:02] <Narley> but where do i enter the CNAME Record
[21:02] <Narley> i tried cracking into my router
[21:03] <Narley> my windows networking stuff
[21:03] <Narley> everything

[21:03] <Radar> halogenandtoast: Narley is a windows user.
[21:04] <halogenandtoast> rails + windows = fail

[21:04] <Narley> i wish i had a Mac -_-
[21:04] <pythonic> Narley is a fucking idiot

[21:04] <pythonic> Narley: linux cost too much?
[21:04] <Narley> no
[21:04] <Narley> screw you
[21:04] <Radar> Ah there we go, getting angry at the smart people in the room makes the other smart people not want to help you :)
[21:04] <Quastor> Slackware server running Apache2 + mongrel and samba with my app as a shared drive
[21:05] <Narley> sorry for my disrespect but i will not stand for insolence
[21:05] <Narley> i am a developer
[21:05] <Narley> in rails
[21:05] <Narley> i take pride in that

[21:07] Action: Radar is porting over his forum tutorial from the clearly inferior WordPress system to a custom-built Rails one.
[21:07] <Narley> wordpress is king of blogs man
[21:07] <Radar> Ah, we have a PHP guy.
[21:07] <Narley> going agaisnt word press is like going agaisnt america
[21:07] <Narley> the 800 pound gorilla

[21:10] <Radar> Yes. Beleive it or not, there are other countries OTHER than america.
[21:10] <Narley> no
[21:10] <Narley> america
[21:10] <Narley> = 800 pound gorilla
[21:10] <Narley> we are superior
[21:11] <Radar> Ok. You're trolling. Goodbye.
[21:11] <Narley> huh?
[21:11] <Narley> no

<Narley> hey
<Narley> do i need to download sqlite3
<Narley> or is rails already packaged with that?

[21:58] <Narley> so dont try and run a game on me
[21:58] <Narley> ive had it with your dispicable humilative games
[21:59] <Radar> Bye then.
[21:59] <Narley> Im reporting you to Freenode.net staff
[21:59] <Radar> Please do.
[21:59] <Narley> the BIG guys
[21:59] <Narley> when you come back
[21:59] <Radar> I'm so scardd.
[21:59] <Radar> How about you tell your president on me too?
[21:59] <Narley> your subnet will be shutdown
[22:00] <Narley> if i see you online again
[22:00] <Narley> im hacking you bitch
[22:00] <Radar> hahaha
[22:00] <Narley> you better have a firewall
[22:00] <pythonic> hack me now
[22:00] <Radar> pythonic: here?
[22:00] <Narley> i got russians in high places
[22:00] <Narley> theyll fuck your network up
[22:00] <Radar> Damn. All I've got is a dog...
[22:01] <Narley> ill whois
[22:01] <Narley> you
[22:01] <Radar> Oh no.
[22:01] <Narley> and get your ip
[22:01] <Radar> You'll have my IP.
[22:01] <Radar> AND MY ISP.
[22:01] <Radar> MY GOD>
[22:01] <Radar> AND THEN
[22:01] <Narley> then ill hack you
[22:01] <Narley> then you wont be talkin bitchhead
[22:01] <Radar> MY IP is
[22:01] <Narley> let me check that
[22:01] <fowlduck> i'm totally hacking you
[22:02] <Narley> wtf
[22:02] <Narley> this is a localhost address
[22:02] <Narley> dumbass
[22:02] <Narley> fowlduck
[22:02] <Narley> go FOWL on your moms ass
[22:02] <Radar> Oh sorry, my real IP is
[22:02] <Narley> stop it
[22:02] <fowlduck> lol
[22:02] <Radar> My laptop is
[22:03] <Narley> you stupid
[22:03] <Radar> If you wanted to hack that too.
[22:03] <Narley> now everyone in here knows your ip
[22:03] <Narley> your network gonna get rape
[22:03] <Narley> look at your pathetic site
[22:03] <Radar> pythonic: just vote, I'll change it.
[22:03] <Narley> cant even do restful urls
[22:03] <Narley> dummy
[22:04] <Radar> It's in beta.
[22:04] <Narley> which means " IT SUCKS MONKEY NTTS"

[00:35] <Narley> bitsweat I SWEAR you should be at microsoft working as a code monkey
[00:35] <Narley> you know everything man
[00:35] <bitsweat> Narley: I don't think MS code monkey is a good place to be :)
[00:35] <Narley> why?

[11:01] <Narley> can somone give me a clue to whats going on here
[11:01] <Narley> my gosh
[11:01] <Narley> rake is more complicated then i thought

[13:19] <Narley> WTF
[13:19] <Narley> WHAT IS THIS
[13:19] <Narley> http://pastie.org/215455

You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.*

[13:39] <Narley> HELP
[13:39] <Narley> PLEASE

[14:06] <Narley> guys
[14:06] <Narley> got to my application please
[14:06] <Narley> localhost:3000
[14:06] <Narley> test it out
[14:07] <Narley> tell me what you think
[14:07] <Narley> http://localhost:3000
[14:07] <Narley> what you mean
[14:07] <ReinH> Narley: ?
[14:08] <ReinH> Narley: I mean that we can't see your localhost
[14:08] <ReinH> only you can
[14:08] <Narley> why not?
[14:08] <Quastor> localhost is well, local
[14:08] <ReinH> Narley: do you know what localhost means?
[14:08] <Narley> no
[14:08] <ReinH> if not, you should look it up.
[14:08] <Narley> ok
[14:09] <ReinH> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;q=localhost&amp;btnG=Google+Search
[14:09] <Narley> i thought mongrel was localhost?
[14:09] <radarek> maybe Narley has external IP?;-)
[14:09] <ReinH> radarek: doesn't matter lol
[14:09] <ReinH> localhost is still localhost
[14:09] <ReinH> if he has an externam IP, he can give us that link
[14:09] <ReinH> *external
[14:09] <radarek> ReinH: I know, but maybe he can give us his external IP ;)
[14:10] <radarek> ReinH: I know what 'localhost' means :)
[14:10] <Quastor> and this is the guy who was trolling people yesterday about being a great PHP dev, no? =P
[14:10] <ReinH> I wouldn't count on it
[14:10] <universa1> radarek: don't play with the little children ;)
[14:12] <Narley> i dont get this localhost buisness
[14:12] <radarek> Narley: for everybody 'localhost' means 'my computer'
[14:12] <Narley> so that means my internet host is locally near my computer?
[14:13] <nice_burger> Narley: you're putting us on right?
[14:13] <Quastor> it means when your ethernet card gets a request for "localhost", it just sends it to itself
[14:13] <radarek> Narley: it means that we can't get to your computer by 'localhost' address
[14:13] <ReinH> Narley: you can't be serious
[14:13] <Narley> even though there are no hosting companies near my house?
[14:13] <ReinH> Narley: did you read the wikipedia post?
[14:14] <Narley> not yet
[14:14] <ReinH> Narley: then why are you asking us?
[14:14] <ReinH> read it
[14:14] <Narley> ok
[14:14] <ReinH> "I don't understand this thing." "Did you try to understand it?" "No."
[14:14] <ReinH> *facepalm*
[14:15] <Narley> pretty much when you sign up for internet
[14:15] <Narley> your isp gives you a localhost
[14:16] <Narley> with them
[14:16] <nice_burger> Narley: nope, not close
[14:16] <Narley> so you can test things locally
[14:16] <toretore> lol
[14:16] <nice_burger> localhost works even without being connected to the outside world
[14:16] <Quastor> ._.
[14:16] <ReinH> Narley: nope
[14:16] <leethal> There's no place like
[14:18] <Narley> ok
[14:18] <Narley> wait
[14:18] <Narley> im wireless
[14:18] <Narley> so my isp still would have control
[14:18] <ReinH> Ah, then disable your wireless
[14:18] <Quastor> disable your wireless
[14:19] <nice_burger> Narley: can disable wireless permanantly for us a sec?
[14:19] <Narley> ok i try it
[14:19] <nice_burger> ok, let us know
[14:20] <Narley> it didnt work
[14:20] <Narley> said it couldnt connect
[14:21] <Narley> i dont have a tv near my router
[14:21] <Narley> my router provides me internet
[14:21] <Narley> i dont have a tv near my router
[14:21] <Narley> my router provides me internet
[14:21] <Narley> the cable modem gives me high spee
[14:21] <Narley> speed*
[14:21] #rubyonrails: mode change '+o ReinH' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[14:21] Narley (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left #rubyonrails (requested by ReinH: "troll").
[14:21] #rubyonrails: mode change '-o ReinH' by ReinH!n=reinh@li14-106.members.linode.com
[14:21] <nice_burger> Narley: that's ok, it'll still work. just unplug your router, that'll disconnect you, then you'll be an independent internet user
[14:21] <ReinH> jesus
[14:21] <ReinH> nothing to see here, people
[14:22] Narley (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) joined #rubyonrails.
[14:22] <Narley> ill just buy a book
[14:23] <Narley> ill get it eventually
[14:23] <Narley> its just really confusing right now
[14:25] <Narley> thanks
[14:25] <Narley> back to learn more rails

[23:47] <Narley> http://www.pastie.org/215643
[23:47] <Narley> can someone help a brotha out?
[23:51] <Narley> pythonic look at my paastie bitch
[23:52] <Narley> codemonkey
[23:52] <Narley> http://www.pastie.org/215643
[23:52] <tomtt> Narley: please don't be nastie to fellow codemonkeys. That pastie makes no sense by the way.
[23:53] <Narley> WHAT YOU MEAN
[23:53] <Narley> im just trying to figure out what the error means
[23:53] <Narley> you betta help
[23:53] <Narley> im a brotha
[23:53] <pythonic> MAIN SCREEN TURN ON
[23:54] <tomtt> Narley: where is action_today_with_time supposed to be defined? It sure is no rails method
[23:54] <Narley> tomtt
[23:54] <Narley> tanks brah
[23:54] <Narley> imma check dis out
[23:56] <Narley> if dis right
[23:56] <Narley> imma get ya some frad chicksens
[23:57] <foobarblee> what bout collard greens and chitlins
[23:57] <Narley> hellz yeah homie
[23:58] <Narley> may grannies just got done cookin some fo fada day
[23:58] <Narley> i been developzin all dayz
[23:58] <Narley> its a rap web
[23:59] <tdela> wtf
[23:59] <tomtt> I'm off to bed. Narley: enjoy your 'chicksens'
[23:59] <Narley> yeah brah
[00:00] <Narley> tommt brah stay up
[00:00] <Narley> my rap webz is almost ups
[00:00] <Narley> its on www.localhost.com:3000
[00:00] <Quastor> *facepalms again*
[00:01] <foobarblee> quastor: don't hurt yourself :)
[00:01] <Quastor> it's not me you should be worried about
[00:02] <foobarblee> quastor: humanities future?
[00:02] <Narley> brah
[00:02] <Narley> what ya punzin yaself in da face
[00:02] <Narley> fuckin up ya self
[00:03] <Quastor> something like that, Narley
[00:04] <Narley> nah brah
[00:04] <Narley> thier a vid a ebonyhotties.com
[00:04] <Narley> hot ass hoes
[00:05] <fowlduck> Narley: cmon, keep it clean
[00:05] <fowlduck> Narley: keep the peace ;)
[00:05] <Narley> sowey
[00:10] <Narley> yall dont like hot hoes?
[00:10] <pythonic> time to get teh ban stick
[00:10] <Narley> sowey
[00:10] <Narley> ill stop dat shit
[00:12] <Narley> anyone wanna see mah rap sitez?
[00:12] <pythonic> no
[00:12] <Narley> took me 5 mons to make dis
[00:12] <scott__> Narley: I doubt it.
[00:12] <Narley> its off
[00:12] <Narley> railsz is haaaaaaaard
[00:12] <Quastor> www.localhost.com:3000?
[00:12] <Narley> yheah
[00:12] <Narley> go to day
[00:13] <Narley> im deploin it
[00:13] <pythonic> i'm deploring it
[00:16] <Narley> anyone seez mah site?
[00:16] <wmoxam> Narley: yeah, it was bitchin
[00:16] <Narley> noice
[00:17] <Narley> you see da girlz?
[00:17] <Narley> andz Pdiddy singin hiz songz?

[01:24] <Narley> DOOOD

[02:41] <Narley> anyone know a good chat script in ruby on rails

[08:55] Narley (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) joined #rubyonrails.
[08:56] <Narley> dos anyone know where raiketask are stored?
[08:56] <nice_burger> lib/tasks

[09:03] <Narley> AYE
[09:03] <Radar> LOL NARLEY IS BACK.
[09:03] <Radar> Hey everyone, just a warning, Narley is very nooby.
[09:03] <Radar> Treat with caution./
[09:03] <Narley> Radar
[09:04] <Narley> my knowledge of rails has increased 1 2 fold
[09:04] <leethal> and he doesn't prefix messages with your nick, he writes them on a separate line
[09:04] <Radar> Also, don't forget to vote for him!
[09:04] <Radar> http://twonklist.com/twonks/12

[09:21] <Narley> fuck you guys
[09:21] <Narley> if yall keep twonking me
[09:22] <Narley> then ill CakePHP
[09:22] <Radar> Narley: go for it. See how much torture it is.
[09:22] <Narley> and hget a revolutionaizing applcations done in hours
[09:22] <Narley> and with thier convention ver configurations is definately a FAT blow to rails
[09:24] <Narley> Not when PEOPLE TAKE STABS AT ME
[09:24] <Narley> while we are messing with Migrations still*
[09:26] <Narley> FUCK YOU
[09:26] <Narley> RADAR
[09:26] <Radar> Narley: tell it to my twonk pageh.
[09:26] <Radar> Goodnight folks./
[09:27] <Narley> BLOOOOOOOOW ME

[10:24] <Narley> WTF
[10:24] <Narley> why wont mogrel work anymore
[10:24] <Narley> http://www.pastie.org/215803
[10:24] <Narley> http://www.pastie.org/215803
[10:25] <Geffy> Narley: you defined your own OPTIONS constant somewhere?
[10:27] <Narley> gEFFY WHAT DO YOU mean?
[10:27] <Narley> oops
[10:27] <Narley> capps
[10:27] <Narley> sorry
[10:28] <Geffy> Narley: do you have anything like OPTIONS = in your code?
[10:28] <Narley> let look again
[10:32] <Narley> Geffy
[10:32] <Narley> not that i can find
[10:33] <Geffy> Narley: thats odd then, the error would seem to indicate that somewhere OPTIONS had been set and then later something tried to change the value of OPTIONS

[10:41] <Narley> is there a way to rebuild all gems?
[10:43] <Narley> anyone?

[10:47] <Narley> i getting rid of mongrel
[10:47] <Narley> its sucks
[10:47] <Narley> any alternatives?
[10:47] <Geffy> Narley: thin, ebb, passenger
[10:47] <Narley> ok
[10:47] <Narley> mongrel is a pieace of shit
[10:47] <Narley> nigger server
[10:48] <Narley> Man
[10:48] <leethal> Narley: you need to stfu
[10:48] <synthemesk> yea narley chill dude
[10:49] <Narley> you stfu leetha
[10:49] <paulsc> save the drama for your mama
[10:49] <Narley> who you talking to
[10:49] <Narley> bitch
[10:49] <smeevil> Narley: its not mongrel that fails, its you
[10:49] <Narley> no
[10:49] <synthemesk> 99.9% of all mongrel failures are application specific...like rails chompin up all your memory
[10:49] <Narley> it mongrel
[10:49] <leethal> Narley: 'sup with cursing?
[10:49] <paulsc> save the drama, yelling won't fix it
[10:49] <Narley> leethal
[10:49] <Narley> suck my dick
[10:49] <Narley> and eat the goo
[10:49] <leethal> gief lifo for bans
[10:50] <Narley> im tired of leethal startin shit
[10:50] <Narley> im mindin my own buisness
[10:51] <Narley> this nighead comes along and starts stuff
[10:51] <Narley> dont come to alabama
[10:51] <Narley> ill beat ur ass
[10:51] <Narley> think im afraid of you
[10:51] <leethal> no, I don't think you are
[10:51] <Narley> why is that?
[10:51] <paulsc> good ole alabama
[10:51] <leethal> because we've never met
[10:51] <synthemesk> leethal just ignore this guy
[10:51] <leethal> synthemesk: nono it's fun
[10:51] <Narley> yes we have
[10:52] <synthemesk> aite
[10:52] <Narley> im a southern
[10:52] <leethal> Narley: oooh i c, didn't know that
[10:52] <Narley> boy
[10:52] <Narley> with german heritage
[10:52] <Narley> dont mess wth me
[10:52] <wmoxam> lol
[10:52] <paulsc> haha
[10:52] Action: leethal messes with Narley
[10:52] <synthemesk> its wasting the room tho
[10:52] <leethal> Narley is a man lover!
[10:52] <synthemesk> go to a different room and flame
[10:52] <Narley> stfu lol
[10:52] <agib> Narley booooo
[10:52] <Narley> i love you leeethal
[10:52] <Narley> i want you
[10:52] <Narley> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm leethal
[10:52] <Narley> please dont tell lifo k?
[10:52] <leethal> I'm not gay, gtfo

5 minutes later… a miracle:

[10:57] <Narley> Guys
[10:57] <Narley> I fixed my own problem
[10:57] <Narley> Holy cow
[10:57] <Narley> Geffy thanks
[11:02] <Narley> Geffy
[11:02] <Narley> I fixed my problem
[11:02] <Narley> thanks for your help
[11:02] <wmoxam> sigh
[11:02] <Geffy> Narley: no prob

[13:30] <Narley> can rails scale
[13:30] <Narley> that is the question

[13:10] <Narley> anyone know of a way to chat directly with a user in realtime in rails
[13:10] <octoberdan> yeah?
[13:10] <Narley> is there a gem or something to that nature
[13:19] <Narley> DUDE
[13:20] <Narley> im trying to do it like facebook kinda
[13:20] <Narley> -_-
[13:20] <Narley> i have this app
[13:20] <Narley> and many people can be doing something in the app
[13:20] <Narley> they need some real time communication
[13:20] <Narley> CHAT
[13:20] <dirtyhand> DANC
[13:20] <Narley> individualy
[13:20] <Narley> I want CHAT
[13:21] <Narley> ook
[13:21] <dfr|work> well what _is_ chat?
[13:21] <Narley> like IM almost
[13:22] <Narley> so make a messageing system
[13:22] <Narley> that updates real time
[13:22] <dfr|work> pretty much, yes.
[13:22] <dfr|work> not real time.
[13:22] <dfr|work> you can't update things in HTTP
[13:22] <Narley> bah
[13:22] <dfr|work> since request needs to originate from user
[13:22] <dfr|work> server can't really update things.. unless you resort to hacks
[13:22] <Narley> So rails is not capable of doing chat
[13:22] <Narley> DAMMIT
[13:22] <dfr|work> HTTP is not capable
[13:22] <Narley> i knew i shoulda stuck with PHP
[13:33] <Narley> well
[13:33] <Narley> back to PHP with me
[13:33] <dfr|work> Narley, php won't help you. it's an http thing.
[13:35] <nice_burger> coulda sworn Narley was banned yesterday
[13:35] <Narley> hacks
[13:35] <Narley> and pursuasive talking
[13:35] <Narley> i know the admins personally
[13:35] <Narley> so
[13:35] <donomo> nice_burger: give it 5 more minutes.. :)
[13:35] <nice_burger> but today he's being so reasonable. maybe this is the real Narley and yesterday was his little sister
[13:35] <JamesKilton> Narley: I think you need to spend some time understanding what Chat is, what HTTP and how the web works, before trying to make a chat program
[13:35] <Narley> stfu burger boy
[13:36] <ncancelliere> i love /ignore all :-)
[13:36] <nice_burger> stfu?
[13:36] <Narley> James
[13:36] <Narley> I think its an Ajax thing
[13:36] <Narley> but ill read up on it
[13:37] <Narley> Nice Burger
[13:37] <Narley> i was joking
[13:42] <Narley> nice_burger i was joking earlier
[13:42] <Narley> please forgive me
[13:43] <nice_burger> Narley: don't know to what you refer
[13:44] <Narley> <Narley>   stfu burger boy
[13:44] <Narley> <ncancelliere> i love /ignore all :-)
[13:44] <Narley> <nice_burger>  stfu?
[13:44] <Narley> <Narley>   James
[13:44] <Narley> <Narley>   I think its an Ajax thing
[13:44] <Narley> <Narley>   but ill read up on it
[13:44] <Narley> <JamesKilton>  Ajax is a way you can implement it, yes
[13:44] <Narley> <dfr|work> ncancelliere, you can set the attributes to be "" in migration. Or you can override the accessor to return "" if nil... but not sure if that'll help you much.
[13:44] <nice_burger> christ
[13:44] <Narley> <dfr|work> ncancelliere, 'cause you'll have to check if it's "" then
[13:44] <Narley> <Narley>   Nice Burger
[13:44] <Narley> <Narley>   i was joking
[13:44] <Narley> thats what i was refering to
[13:44] <donomo> Narley: plz dont flood
[13:45] <nice_burger> so your entire reparte is a joke?
[13:45] <Narley> what does reparte mean>
[13:45] <nice_burger> 'things you say'
[13:45] <nice_burger> you pasted lots more than you could possibly be apologizing for DUDE

This one is so unlike Narley:

[07:09] <Narley> CAN somone look at this
[07:09] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218734
[07:09] <Narley> then this
[07:09] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218733
[07:09] <Narley> i dont get what rals means
[07:12] <Narley> hello anyone?
[07:12] <Floppy76> narley: which line in the pastie is line 28?
[07:12] <Floppy76> it's renumbered them :)
[07:13] <Floppy76> I guess line 5?
[07:13] <Narley> @project_log_entries = (@logged_user.member_of_owner? ? project.application_logs : project.application_logs.public)[0..(AppConfig.project_logs_per_page-1)]
[07:14] <Narley> ah
[07:14] <Narley> ok
[07:14] <Narley> so use to_i?
[07:25] <Narley> thanks for your guys hel
[07:25] <Narley> i converted to integer
[07:25] <Narley> and it worked flawlessly

[08:58] <Narley> guys
[08:58] <Narley> i need some help
[08:58] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218777
[08:58] <Narley> i cant see what is a string
[08:58] <Narley> so i can convert it
[09:01] <Narley> aye
[09:01] <Narley> anyone?
[09:01] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218777
[09:14] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218777
[09:14] <panerai_go> yes
[09:14] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218777
[09:14] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218777
[09:14] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218777
[09:15] <liquidautumn_> Narley, please...

[11:07] <Narley> DUDE
[11:07] <Narley> PHUSION SUCKS

[12:09] <Narley> what is the write abbreviation if you want to convert to a floater?

[12:10] what is the write abbreviation if you want to convert to a floater?

[12:10] <bosie> shaselai: why not Book.getResults(:order => "column") ?
[12:11] <rds> How dare you use camel case in here
[12:11] <rds> get out
[12:11] <Narley> fuck you rds
[12:11] <Narley> bosie
[12:11] <Narley> are you sure?
[12:12] <bosie> Narley: i dont know what getPersons is....
[12:12] <Narley> bosie i meant the floater converstion
[12:12] <Narley> git is 133337
[12:12] <Narley> HEY
[12:12] <bosie> Narley: ah sorry, wrong person ;) yea, 3.to_f / 10 => 0.3 so yea
[12:12] <Narley> bosie
[12:13] <Narley> ok thanks man

[12:16] <Narley> ah
[12:16] <Narley> bosie
[12:16] <bosie> vrinek503: def self.inherited(subclass) end
[12:16] <Narley> what is it for Fixnum?
[12:16] <bosie> Narley: to_i

[12:31] <Narley> AYE
[12:31] <Narley> NEW PHP Framework is out
[12:31] <Narley> they say its more scalable and easier to use then RAILS
[12:31] <stocke2> can anyone help me a bit with a form?
[12:31] <Narley> OMDF

[11:33] <Narley> anyone in here want to edit these little images for me?

[11:36] <boffbowsh> cheers dirtyhand
[11:36] <dirtyhand> eh
[11:36] <boffbowsh> tryign that now
[11:36] <dirtyhand> yeah
[11:37] <Narley> CIPHER!!!!
[11:37] <Narley> boffowsh
[11:37] <Narley> that name is copyrighted
[11:37] <dirtyhand> nothing
[11:37] <Narley> change it
[11:37] <Narley> or get sued
[11:38] <Narley> boffbowsh
[11:38] <Narley> you got 1 day
[11:38] <Narley> if it aint changed
[11:38] <Narley> your done
[11:38] <Narley> stupid bitch
[11:39] <Narley> BOFFBOWSH
[11:39] <Narley> LISTEN
[11:40] <boffbowsh> Narley: i don't know who you are, but shut up k?
[11:41] <Narley> stfu nigger
[11:41] <Narley> before i lynch you
[11:41] <tahceci> ?
[11:41] <Narley> im from alabama
[11:41] <Narley> we dont play
[11:41] <Narley> with niggers
[11:41] <rsl> please someone stop this.
[11:41] <rsl> tpope
[11:41] <rsl> lifo
[11:41] <rsl> someone?
[11:41] <boffbowsh> i have no idea wth is going on btw
[11:41] <wmoxam> I've got him on ignore
[11:41] <invalidrecord> +1
[11:41] Action: boffbowsh == innocent bystander
[11:41] <wmoxam> had him on there for a while
[11:42] <yaroslav> ignore or ask network ops
[11:42] <boffbowsh> aye
[11:42] <dirtyhand> sorry
[11:42] <dirtyhand> lol
[11:42] lifo (n=Pratik@78-105-61-101.zone3.bethere.co.uk) joined #rubyonrails.
[11:42] <wmoxam> children should be seen, not heard
[11:42] <invalidrecord> hi lifo
[11:42] <tahceci> to the rescue!
[11:42] #rubyonrails: mode change '+o lifo' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[11:42] <rsl> sorry, narley
[11:42] <tahceci> tan tan tan tan
[11:42] <invalidrecord> whoopass
[11:42] Narley (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left #rubyonrails

[10:40] <Narley> anyone in here good with image editing
[10:40] <Narley> ?
[10:41] <Narley> no
[10:41] <Narley> like changing test on an image
[10:41] <dams> what kind of image editing ?
[10:41] <Narley> text*

[18:08] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218103
[18:08] <Narley> wtf is this?
[18:10] <Narley> rsl
[18:10] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218103
[18:10] <Narley> look
[18:10] <Narley> is rails bugged?
[18:10] <rsl> http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001079.html no
[18:10] <rsl> yr code is just borked and i can't tell anything meaningful about it from that pastie.
[18:11] <rsl> i think you are using params[:something] as a number when it's a string though.
[18:11] <rsl> params[:whatever].to_i
[18:11] <rsl> just a guess
[18:11] <Narley> wanna see the dashboard code
[18:11] <Narley> ?
[18:12] <Narley> http://pastie.org/218439

[18:17] <Narley> is there something wrong with this line of code?
[18:17] <Narley> hen_fragment_expired "user#{@logged_user.id}_dblog", Time.now.utc + (60 * AppConfig.minutes_to_activity_log_expire) do
[18:17] <pythonic> yes
[18:17] <pythonic> where did you get the hen fragments?
[18:17] <rsl> hen fragments?
[18:18] <Narley> no
[18:18] <Narley> when_fragment_expired "user#{@logged_user.id}_dblog", Time.now.utc + (60 * AppConfig.minutes_to_activity_log_expire) do
[18:18] <Narley> lol sorry
[18:18] <Narley> typo
[18:19] <Narley> rsl
[18:19] <Narley> why you so crabby
[18:19] <Narley> HUH!?
[18:19] <rsl> why you ask so many questions with so little listening to previous answer?
[18:19] <Narley> BUT YOUR JUST ANOTHER ROR Hasbeen
[18:19] <pythonic> RSL DOES KNOW EVERYTHING
[18:20] <Vardogr> O.O
[18:20] <rsl> you are not a unique and beautiful question-asking-answer-ignoring snowflake.
[18:20] <Narley> YOUR NOT David Heinemeier Hansson
[18:20] <pythonic> YOU'RE*
[18:20] <Narley> HE MADE RAILS
[18:20] <rsl> i am however the one who just /ignored you.
[18:20] <Narley> SPENT NIGHT AND DAY
[18:20] <Narley> making IT
[18:21] <pythonic> see? see? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:RSL_National_HQ.jpg

[18:21] <rsl> Vardogr: not if you /ignore it. ;)
[18:21] <Narley> RSL IS JUST A WANNABE David Heinemeier Hansson
[18:21] <Narley> FUCK HIM
[18:21] <pythonic> haha
[18:22] <Narley> THINKIN he know the answer TO MY CODE
[18:22] <Haitek> r o f l
[18:22] <Vardogr> rsl: I really hate using /ignore, I like to think that people aren't so irrational and/or ill-behaved as to warrant it, it's just disappointing that's not always the case
[18:22] <Narley> IM A ROR PROGRAMMER
[18:23] <Narley> WIT OVER 6 BOOKS
[18:23] <Vardogr> You wrote 6 books?
[18:23] <Narley> no
[18:23] <Narley> i bought them
[18:23] <pythonic> rofl
[18:23] <Narley> to LEARN
[18:24] <fUD> What the..
[18:24] <rsl> why do fucktards think they can "trick" you into helping them by asserting you must not know anything if you don't give them the answers?
[18:24] <fUD> Your strange Narley
[18:24] <Narley> rsl
[18:24] <Narley> i was joking man
[18:24] <Narley> see
[18:24] <Narley> im bi-polar
[18:24] <Narley> so i do things like that
[18:26] <Narley> rsl
[18:26] <Narley> do you forgive me?
[18:26] <fUD> Narley: this isnt #lovemeplease, people dont care about you
[18:27] <Narley> FUD
[18:27] <Narley> FUCK YOU
[18:27] <Narley> HOEBAG
[18:27] <pythonic> I absolve you of your sins in the name of the R, and of the S, and of the L. Amen.
[18:28] <pyroblue> i think i like Netbeans already
[18:28] <pyroblue> just gotta find some nice, dark themes -- and ill be set i believe
[18:28] <Narley> NETBEANS BLOW
[18:28] <Narley> GO WITH RADRAILS
[18:29] <fUD> k, ignore time

[19:22] <Narley> rsl
[19:22] <Narley> i am sorry
[19:22] <Narley> i read that article you gave me
[19:22] <pythonic> you are not sorry
[19:22] <Narley> and it put me in the right direction
[19:22] <Narley> philosiphy wise
[19:22] <Narley> It is MY CODE
[19:22] <Narley> And i MUST FIX IT
[19:23] <scroogemcduck> now its controllers + models + test code thats get commited, hehe
[19:24] <Narley> stfu scrooge
[19:24] <Narley> git is for the strong
[19:24] <Narley> SCM is for the weak
[19:24] <scroogemcduck> stfu
[19:24] <scroogemcduck> i am using git ;)
[19:24] <pythonic> Narley is a git
[19:24] <scroogemcduck> hehe
[19:25] <scroogemcduck> time to update git though
[19:27] <Narley> pythonic
[19:27] <Narley> go get laid by PHP

[10:56] <Narley> does anyone know why all the File Attachment plugins are strictly for images Only
[10:56] <rds> I'm sure that's slang for something dirty.
[10:57] <Narley> like
[10:57] <Narley> im trying to learn how to use it
[10:57] <rds> Narley: how are they? they just have additional functionality for images.. doesn't mean you have to use it.
[10:57] <Narley> but all the examples use images and shit
[10:57] <Narley> its annoying
[10:57] <thortos> rds: That's what *she* said.

[11:58] <Narley> what does :content_type do?
[11:59] <olivr> manuel Narley ; )
[11:59] <Narley> where?
[11:59] <olivr> railsbrain is cool

[12:18] <Narley> hey
[12:18] <Narley> does anyone have Advanced Rails Recipies
[12:21] <Narley> OK
[12:21] <Narley> do you know the recipe where they use attachment fu

Probably one of the only smart things he will say:

[14:30] <Narley> rails 2.2 will be revolutionary

He repeats it:

[14:31] <Narley> Rails 2.2 will be revolutionary

And then explains:

[14:31] <Narley> cause
[14:32] <Narley> in rails 2.2
[14:32] <toretore> hiffy, you probably need to compile and install openssl separately, it's in a subfolder in the ruby source
[14:32] <Narley> all you have to specify is the type of application you want
[14:32] <Narley> AND BOOM
[14:32] <Narley> its generated and made for you
[14:32] <toretore> Narley, didn't you get banned?
[14:32] <zeroeth> rails 2.2 will give you multiple orgasms
[14:32] <Narley> no
[14:33] <Narley> like if i want a myspace
[14:33] <Narley> all you have to do is specify
[14:33] <Narley> and boom
[14:33] <Narley> or if you want a digg.com
[14:33] <Narley> specify
[14:33] <Narley> and booooom
[14:33] <Narley> its done
[14:34] <toretore> Narley, stop
[14:34] <Narley> seriously
[14:34] <Narley> thats what it said on this blog i reead
[14:34] <nice_burger> Narley: that's ridiculous
[14:34] <zeroeth> lol
[14:34] <tahceci> oh yeah?
[14:34] <tahceci> what blog?
[14:34] <Narley> yeah
[14:34] <toretore> he's trolling, don't feed him
[14:34] <Narley> let me get the link
[14:34] <toretore> he's been trolling here for weeks now
[14:35] <Narley> http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/UnderstandingGenerators
[14:35] <Narley> there it is
[14:35] <Narley> it talks about generators
[14:36] <Narley> something thatll be in rails 2.2

[14:56] <Narley> aye
[14:56] <Narley> anyone want to see my website
[14:56] <Narley> built on rails?
[14:56] <glennfu> Narley: do you serve up a rickroll on rails?
[14:57] <locellcount> Narley: hey, that looks just like the one I'm working on!!
[14:57] <Narley> ?
[14:57] <Narley> What do you mean
[14:56] <Narley> http://localhost:3000
[14:57] <toretore> Narley, stop trolling
[14:58] <Narley> toretore
[14:58] <Narley> leave me alone
[14:58] <Narley> or illl PM spam you

[15:03] <niigger> hello
[15:03] <niigger> does rails have a VOIP gem?
[15:03] <wmoxam> ugh
[15:03] <cmarques> glennfu, can u tell me which version you're using now?
[15:04] <glennfu> cmarques: 1.1.5
[15:04] <niigger> does rails have a voip plugin?
[15:04] <gmcinnes> hey wmoxam. what the haps?
[15:04] <cmarques> glennfu, thank you !
[15:05] <glennfu> cmarques: np!
[15:05] <niigger> can someone answer my question>
[15:05] <wmoxam> gmcinnes: hey
[15:05] <wmoxam> gmcinnes: I just get annoyed with mibbit users
[15:06] <wmoxam> :p
[15:06] <gmcinnes> wmoxam: agreed :)ls.
[15:06] <niigger> wmoxam: are you annoyed with me?
[15:06] <cmarques> glennfu, running 1.1.3 here, will upgrade
[15:07] <niigger> fine
[15:07] <glennfu> cmarques: good deal!
[15:07] <niigger> if you guys are racist
[15:07] <wmoxam> gmcinnes: I've been using /ignore a lot these days
[15:07] <niigger> ill just have do something about that
[15:07] <gmcinnes> the times they are a changin.
[15:07] <glennfu> is he still talking?
[15:07] <glennfu> I just tried the /ignore
[15:08] <wmoxam> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:08] <nice_burger> iz hu stil taukin?
[15:08] <Narley> is who talking glennfu?
[15:08] <glennfu> Narley: the kid with the racist name
[15:08] <Narley> AHH
[15:08] <Narley> shouldnt he be kicked?
[15:08] <nice_burger> 1507 his last
[15:08] <wmoxam> glennfu: I wouldn't doubt that they're the same user
[15:08] <nice_burger> ja
[15:09] <wmoxam> in fact they are
[15:09] <Narley> is who?
[15:09] <wmoxam> i=443e3a84@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-5e80a375b02452ec [c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] === n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net [New Now Know How]
[15:10] <wmoxam> same IP
[15:10] <glennfu> me thinks this is the real reason Merb was invented... to have a spinoff obscure enough and difficult enough to join so that immature people wouldn't bother even finding out that their IRC chat existed
[15:10] <Narley> not me man
[15:10] <wmoxam> glennfu: I think in a way you are right
[15:10] <Narley> stop bsing
[15:11] <niigger> ntoo many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'

[15:11] <riodeuno> yeah
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] <riodeuno> wtf?
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] <wmoxam> maybe we can get this guy k-lined
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:11] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:12] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:12] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:12] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:12] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:12] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[15:12] <niigger> too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'too many 12 year old trolls 'hack0rzin rails'
[15:12] niigger (i=443e3a84@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-5e80a375b02452ec) left irc: Excess Flood
[15:12] <Narley> WTF?
[15:12] #rubyonrails: mode change '+o bitsweat' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[15:12] Narley (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left irc: "ChatZilla [Firefox]"

[13:38] <rsl> Narley: word to the wise, watch yr language and step.
[13:38] <Narley> is there anything for uploading file attachments
[13:38] <Narley> ok
[13:38] <Narley> anyone?
[13:43] <Narley> Attachment fu?
[13:43] <Narley> isnt that for images?
[13:44] <rhizmoe> Narley: no
[13:45] <rhizmoe> it's for attachments
[13:45] negonicrac (n=louisjr@ left irc: "Ex-Chat"
[13:45] <Narley> ok
[13:45] <Narley> any examples?

[14:46] <Narley> PHP is a languages that takes........................................................................................................................................
[14:46] <Narley> nvm
[14:46] <Narley> i wont say it
[14:47] <Narley> dont want to offend and PHP lovers

[15:13] <Narley> wow
[15:13] <Narley> twitter is leaving rails

[12:49] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) joined #rubyonrails.
[12:50] <d0inks> hey
[12:50] <d0inks> anyone know a good ruby on rails host
[12:50] <rsl> linode. :)
[12:50] <d0inks> for virtual hosting
[12:50] <d0inks> linode?
[12:50] <d0inks> website?
[12:50] <d0inks> competitive
[12:50] <rsl> google
[12:50] <d0inks> ?
[12:50] <d0inks> superior?
[12:50] <rsl> :)
[12:51] <rsl> short of investigating for yrself, yr gonna get lots of "linode is best" and "slicehost is best" and etc with no real way to judge.
[12:51] <d0inks> i hope your right :p
[12:51] <nice_burger> d0inks: linode, if you wanna set up everything yourself, of course
[12:51] <d0inks> have you heard anything good :P
[12:51] <XeRocks> rsl
[12:51] <rsl> i'm on linode.
[12:51] <d0inks> oh :P
[12:52] <rsl> but my experience != your experience,.
[12:52] <d0inks> so i can setup everything myself
[12:55] <d0inks> linode looks good
[12:55] leanucci (n=asd@host. left irc: Remote closed the connection
[12:56] <d0inks> any other ones?

[13:05] <d0inks> Any other Rails HOST
[13:30] <d0inks> ruby on rails
[13:30] <d0inks> the most archaic language known to man
[13:32] <nice_burger> d0inks: ? it's not a language, and it's ..oh nevermind
[13:32] <rsl> lol

[15:24] <d0inks> OMFG
[15:24] <d0inks> RAILS SUCKS
[15:24] <d0inks> for taking out scaffolding -_-
[15:25] <Crash2bur> only tools use scaffolding
[15:25] <stocke2> d0inks: you are absolutely correct, I am dropping it now and reworking everything in perl
[15:25] <d0inks> perl is way superior compared to rails i believe
[15:25] <d0inks> i could be wrong or right -_-

[13:42] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left irc: "ChatZilla [Firefox]"
[14:09] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) joined #rubyonrails.

29th July

[15:25] <context> d0inks. scaffolding was worthless to begin with
[15:25] <context> d0inks. stop being lazy
[15:26] <d0inks> rsl
[15:26] <d0inks> i was fucked up that day i was talking about symbols
[15:27] <d0inks> cakephp
[15:27] <d0inks> just got scaffolding
[15:27] <d0inks> i hear its pretty neat -_-
[15:28] <d0inks> in cakephp you have to say wiodnaodnadionionwfioandaodnaod/scaffold/rescaffold/mydir/scafffold this/ my new drive dir/ scaffold/ more commands commands commands commands
[15:28] <context> wtf
[15:28] <rsl> lol
[15:28] <d0inks> very conventional
[15:28] <context> we really dont care about cakephp to be honest :X
[15:28] <stocke2> d0inks: why the hell would you scaffold then, seems like more work than doing it all manually
[15:29] <d0inks> to save time?
[15:29] <rsl> lol
[15:29] <context> ahh irony
[15:29] <rsl> lmao
[15:29] <context> one of those things that makes life so enjoyable

30th July

[15:52] <d0inks> guys stupid question
[15:52] <d0inks> how does your rails app know which CSS you use with your controller or view
[15:53] <d0inks> hello?
[15:54] <d0inks> let me REITERATE my question
[15:54] <d0inks> how does your rails app know which CSS you use with your controller or view?
[15:54] <rsl> magic
[15:54] <ianseyer> d0inks: you have to name them something special, iirc
[16:19] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left irc: "ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0/2008061015]"

31st July

[12:43] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) joined #rubyonrails.
[12:43] <d0inks> hey
[12:43] <d0inks> anyone know the url to the tiny mce plugin
[12:43] <d0inks> my rails app needs it
[12:43] <d0inks> badly
[12:46] <d0inks> hello?
[12:47] <boffbowsh> d0inks: use the google
[12:47] <boffbowsh> first result
[12:47] <d0inks> yeah i did
[12:47] <boffbowsh> "tiny mce rails"
[12:47] <withanx> d0inks: http://www.google.com/search?q=tiny+mce+rails
[12:47] <boffbowsh> first result
[12:48] <withanx> learn to use Google.
[12:48] <d0inks> but when i go to terminal and type in the command it says the plugin doesnt exisit
[12:48] <d0inks> ruby script/plugin install http://secure.near-time.com/svn/plugins/trunk/tiny_mce/
[12:49] <d0inks> someone here has to know where the tiny mce respirtory is at
[12:51] <pyroblue> d0inks: http://www.johnwulff.com/articles/2006/05/31/tinymce-with-ruby-on-rails
[12:52] <d0inks> http://pastie.org/244956
[12:52] <d0inks> EXPLAIN THIS
[12:52] <d0inks> that link doenst work
[12:54] <d0inks> TELL WHERE ITS AT
[12:54] <d0inks> NOW
[12:54] <d0inks> stop fuckin with me
[12:54] <Anthro> d0inks: Wow, I was in the middle of writing something helpful to you, but now... fuck you.
[12:55] <pyroblue> d0inks: sounds like you need to calm the fuck down
[12:55] <d0inks> ok ok
[12:55] <d0inks> sorry
[12:55] <d0inks> i been trying to tell every one that the svn link is not workin
[12:55] <pyroblue> d0inks: i got MCE installed yesterday with no worries, and without coming in here and demanding like a schmuck --
[12:55] <Anthro> d0inks: Well, the first time you tried it you used http instead of https.
[12:55] <pyroblue> d0inks: ill be glad to help -- just chill mang.
[12:55] <context> if they are both singleton
[12:55] <d0inks> aight
[12:56] <d0inks> sorry about the attitude guys
[12:56] <Anthro> d0inks: The subsequent times you tried you used https, but tried to external it in when your project isn't in subversion.
[12:56] <Anthro> d0inks: So use the https URL and skip the -x
[12:57] <d0inks> I GOT IT
[12:57] <d0inks> :D
[12:58] <d0inks> thanks anthro and pyroblue
[12:58] <pyroblue> d0inks: i actually didnt install the plugin -- it was too much overkill -- i just downloaded the files myself and plugged em in.
[13:44] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection

1st August

[20:19] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) joined #rubyonrails.
[20:20] <d0inks> hey
[20:20] <HangingClowns> hey
[20:20] <d0inks> is there anyway to integrate beast forum into a rails application?
[20:51] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left irc: "ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0/2008061015]"
[21:05] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) joined #rubyonrails.
[21:05] <d0inks> require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ../vendor/plugins/engines/boot)
[21:06] <d0inks> why am i getting a unexpected tparen error?
[21:07] <Radar> d0inks: your quote symbols are not what you think
[21:07] <Radar> require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../vendor/plugins/engines/boot')
[21:08] <d0inks> wtf
[21:08] <d0inks> lol
[21:08] <d0inks> keyboard key was covered
[21:08] <d0inks> in gunk
[21:08] <chuff> Ew.
[21:08] <d0inks> thanks radar
[21:16] <d0inks> Radar
[21:16] <d0inks> look
[21:16] <d0inks> no such file to load -- /home/keithscalespc2/Development/Projects/SmartService 0.2/config/vendor/plugins/engines/boot
[21:17] <d0inks> -_-
[21:17] <d0inks> why is it going to config
[21:17] <d0inks> then vendor
[21:17] <d0inks> thats messed up
[21:17] <Radar> d0inks: then it doesn't exist. you missed a .. in your path
[21:17] <d0inks> but i have
[21:17] <Radar> You missed one
[21:17] <d0inks> require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/vendor/plugins/engines/boot')
[21:17] <Radar> *sigh*
[21:17] <Radar> require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../vendor/plugins/engines/boot')
[21:18] <d0inks> -_-
[21:18] <d0inks> d'oh
[21:18] <d0inks> im gonna go
[21:18] <d0inks> play with some php for a lil but
[21:18] <d0inks> bit*
[21:18] <d0inks> thats my punishment

Later, on the 1st

[21:41] <d0inks> anyone know of a good forum plugin for rails?
[21:41] <fowlduck> plugin? no
[21:41] <fowlduck> but check out altered beast
[21:41] <d0inks> ok
[21:41] <fowlduck> or there's another one..i forget
[21:41] <d0inks> cause i was trying to find a way to integrate a forum into my app
[21:42] <fowlduck> also, look here: http://www.opensourcerails.com/
[21:42] <fowlduck> d0inks: easy way - write one
[21:42] <fowlduck> :)
[21:43] <Radar> Or you could integrate your app into a forum
[21:50] <d0inks> how would that work lol?
[21:51] <Radar> have an existing forum system and build your app around it
[21:52] <d0inks> NO
[21:52] <d0inks> thats what PHP coders do
[21:52] <d0inks> i build from scratch
[21:52] <d0inks> just like david
[21:52] <Radar> *sigh*
[21:52] <d0inks> hiensmann
[21:52] <Radar> Looks like we've got another Narley.
[21:57] <Radar> who's David Hiensmann?
[21:58] <joelmichael> do you mean David Heinemeier Hansson?
[21:58] <Radar> Oh him
[21:58] <Radar> Sorry, the name was so mutilated I could not recognise it
[21:59] <Radar> I think the other forum system fowlduck was thinking about was el dorado
[21:59] <d0inks> eL DURADO
[22:00] <d0inks> YES
[22:00] <d0inks> THATS THE ONE
[22:00] <d0inks> superior
[22:02] <Radar> Yes definitely another narley.
[22:04] <Radar> Superior like an 800 pound gorilla, right?
[22:13] <d0inks> what do you mean gorilla?
[22:13] <d0inks> is that a framework?
[23:38] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left irc: "ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0/2008061015]"

2nd August

[09:45] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) joined #rubyonrails.
[09:45] <d0inks> omfg
[09:45] <d0inks> whats wrong with my migration
[09:58] <d0inks> anyone know the website for beast forum
[09:58] <d0inks> the main project website?
[10:27] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left irc: "ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0/2008061015]"

Then we “suffer” a whole day without him, and then this:

[12:34] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) joined #rubyonrails.
[12:34] <d0inks> rails is kinda getting old.................................
[12:34] <d0inks> im tired of doing script/server
[12:35] <Heimidal> d0inks: um... k. alias ss='script/server'
[12:35] <Heimidal> voila.
[12:35] <rsl> d0inks: and we're getting tired of yr trolling.
[12:35] <d0inks> im not trolling rsl
[12:35] <d0inks> but ill stop talking if its annoying you
[12:35] <d0inks> im just saying
[12:35] <rsl> every day "rails is broke" "rails is hard" "where's my mommy"
[12:35] <d0inks> rails can get difficult
[12:35] <rsl> you _do_ troll about rails being hard.
[12:35] <peterretief> ja were is my mommy
[12:36] <rsl> every day i'm in here.
[12:36] Action: peterretief scowls
[12:36] crisb2010 (n=christia@xdsl-87-78-90-124.netcologne.de) left irc: "Leaving"
[12:36] <rsl> learn how rails works and it's honestly not hard.
[12:36] <d0inks> im doing an very advanced app that no one else has ever seen
[12:36] <Heimidal> no moreso than any other sort of development using a programming language
[12:36] <rsl> fuck that.
[12:36] <Heimidal> you and 20,000 other people
[12:36] <rsl> fuck that "my code is special and can't use the rules" shit.
[12:36] <rsl> learn the damned rules.
[12:36] <d0inks> yeah but the rules rally dont work with my code
[12:36] <rsl> or move back to the anarchy of PHP.
[12:36] <d0inks> its complex man
[12:36] <d0inks> COMPLEX
[12:37] <rsl> fuck that.
[12:37] <peterretief> d0inks: you set yourself up for burn
[12:37] <Heimidal> d0inks: elaborate or stop making claims you can't substantiate :P
[12:38] <peterretief> d0inks: difficult would be 100000 concurrent users
[12:41] <d0inks> dude
[12:41] <d0inks> i have a million concurrent users
[12:41] <d0inks> its fucking hard man
[12:41] <d0inks> im trying to scales the dam thing
[12:41] <Heimidal> christ, where's an op when you need one.
[12:41] <d0inks> i meant
[12:42] <d0inks> 10
[12:42] <d0inks> people
[12:42] <d0inks> not million
[12:42] <d0inks> yellowpages aint that hard to code
[12:42] <d0inks> they use rails
[12:43] <Heimidal> >_<
[12:43] <d0inks> im using PHP for this project
[12:43] <d0inks> and its hard
[12:43] <d0inks> i shoulda used rails
[12:43] <d0inks> but my partner talked me in
[12:43] <mrichman> d0inks: define hard
[12:43] <d0inks> like trying to make a way to send email
[12:43] <d0inks> to users
[12:44] Action: peterretief this is driving me to drink
[12:44] <d0inks> or trying to get data in sql
[12:44] <rsl> why the fuck are you in here trolling about how hard rails is if yr not even fucking using it??
[12:44] <Heimidal> lol
[12:44] <Heimidal> rsl: because he's a troll
[12:44] <rsl> you really are the troll i've been guessing.
[12:44] <njero> peterretief: re you kidding... I am already drinking!
[12:44] <rsl> and idiot and troll.
[12:44] <d0inks> rsl
[12:44] <d0inks> calm down
[12:44] <d0inks> no need to get barbaric
[12:44] <Heimidal> d0inks: stfu.
[12:44] <d0inks> ok
[12:44] <rsl> he has a million concurrent users but can't figure out how to program on his own;.
[12:44] <rsl> what a fucktard.
[12:45] <d0inks> rsl
[12:45] <d0inks> stop calling me names
[12:45] <rsl> d0inks: seriously... i don't think rails is for you.
[12:45] <rsl> i don't think _programming_ is for you.
[12:45] <d0inks> it is for me
[12:45] <d0inks> so eat it
[12:45] <rsl> lmao
[12:45] <rsl> "eat it" lolol
[12:45] <njero> :D
[12:45] <rsl> oh that was a fun break. back to work.
[12:45] <Heimidal> aaaanyway
[12:45] <d0inks> get to WORK
[12:46] <d0inks> lazy bum
[12:46] <njero> maybe out of touch
[12:46] <Heimidal> lmao
[12:46] <njero> *zing*
[12:46] <Heimidal> d0inks: again, kindly stfu
[12:46] <d0inks> excuse me
[12:46] <d0inks> i talk when i want nigger
[12:46] <d0inks> you stfu
[12:46] <d0inks> and go back out to the field
[12:47] Action: Heimidal really wishes a few of the regulars were +o
[12:47] <d0inks> why get rid of me
[12:47] <d0inks> im a contributer to the community
[12:47] <rsl> oh look.
[12:48] <rsl> d0inks is our old friend AfricanAmerican/CakePHP/etcetcetc
[12:48] <d0inks> nope
[12:48] <JamesKilton> rsl: naw, that guy always used that web-based irc client
[12:48] <JamesKilton> d0inks here is using chatzilla
[12:49] <Heimidal> hola lifo
[12:49] <rsl> JamesKilton: yes. another web-based irc client.
[12:49] <rsl> lol
[12:49] #rubyonrails: mode change '+o lifo' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[12:49] <rsl> mebbe it hides his ip better.
[12:49] d0inks (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left #rubyonrails.
[12:49] <rsl> oh look.
[12:49] <JamesKilton> HAHAAHAH
[12:49] <JamesKilton> loser
[12:49] <rsl> he knows he got busted.
[12:50] <ajaxamander> Oh man, I was just catching up on the banter there with d0inks
[12:50] <ajaxamander> and now he's gone
[12:50] <ajaxamander> :(
[12:51] <rsl> i just got a pm from d0inks.
[12:51] <rsl> lolol
[12:51] <rsl> "d0inks: help me out with my app"

Even after lifo raised his hand at him, he still comes back. Under another name, no less:

[17:29] Ruddly (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) joined #rubyonrails.
[17:34] <Ruddly> wtf is this
[17:34] <Ruddly> http://img299.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshoter9.png
[17:36] <Ruddly> hey anyone ever use tiny mce plugin?
[17:44] <Radar> Ruddly: wtf are you wtfing at?
[17:44] <Ruddly> http://img299.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshoter9.png
[17:55] <Ruddly> radar
[17:55] <Ruddly> why does tiny mce do that?
[17:55] <Radar> Ruddly:
[17:55] <Radar> do what
[17:55] <Ruddly> this
[17:55] <Ruddly> http://img299.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshoter9.png
[17:55] <Radar> ...
[17:55] <Radar> don't link me to the damn image
[17:55] <Ruddly> im confused
[17:55] <Radar> tell me what IN the image that it's doing it
[17:56] <Ruddly> ok
[17:56] <Ruddly> well you have the white screen
[17:56] <Ruddly> but its really small
[17:56] <shawndrost> @Phoenixfire159 -- sweet, thx
[17:56] <Ruddly> and the gray back ground
[17:56] <Ruddly> is bigger
[17:56] <Ruddly> making it look all funny and shit
[17:57] <Radar> not a rails problem, can't hep you
[18:04] <Ruddly> someone help me please
[18:04] <Ruddly> im confused
[18:06] <jereme> Ruddly: you have a tinymce issue, not a rails issue... since it's not likely that someone in here is a freaky TinyMCE master, you might be best to try other avenues
[18:06] <Ruddly> thanks jereme
[18:07] <Ruddly> Radar is being a silly troll
[18:07] <Ruddly> and wont help
[18:07] <Radar> Ruddly: your problem is a CSS problem, go see #css
[18:07] <Radar> Ruddly: you're being a silly noob and asking vague questions expecting people to understand.
[18:08] <Ruddly> stfu radar
[18:08] <Ruddly> im done with you
[18:08] <Ruddly> n00b
[18:08] <Radar> lol
[18:08] <jereme> haha
[18:08] <jereme> oh my
[18:08] <Radar> Ruddly: weren't you in here under another name recently? I remember "kiethscalepc" from somewhere else.
[18:09] <jereme> move along from this line of conversation Ruddly or you'll have everyone barkin down at ya
[18:18] <Radar> http://twonklist.com/twonks/24 - if anyone cares to input their opinions of Ruddly
[18:30] <Ruddly> can someone ban that idiot radar
[18:30] <Ruddly> cant stand his stupid aussie ass

– How did he know Radar was an aussie?

[18:37] Ruddly (n=chatzill@c-68-62-58-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection
[19:56] <Radar> AHA!!
[19:56] <jereme> !!!
[19:56] <Radar> jereme: remember Ruddly? He was also d0inks
[19:56] <jereme> hey he's one of the top ones
[19:56] <jereme> btw, I read Narley for awhile
[19:56] <jereme> super entertaining
[19:56] <Radar> yup

And out comes the truth:

[19:56] <d0inks> shut up both of you
[19:57] <d0inks> im learning rails
[19:57] <jereme> good good
[19:57] <jereme> from scratch
[19:57] <d0inks> yeah

<d0inks> anyone know of a good forum plugin for rails?
<fowlduck> plugin? no
<fowlduck> but check out altered beast
<d0inks> ok
<fowlduck> or there's another one..i forget
<d0inks> cause i was trying to find a way to integrate a forum into my app
<fowlduck> also, look here: http://www.opensourcerails.com/
<fowlduck> d0inks: easy way - write one
<fowlduck> :)
<Radar> Or you could integrate your app into a forum
<d0inks> NO
<d0inks> thats what PHP coders do
<d0inks> i build from scratch
<d0inks> just like david
<d0inks> hiensmann

<Radar> I think the other forum system fowlduck was thinking about was el dorado
<d0inks> eL DURADO
<d0inks> YES
<d0inks> THATS THE ONE
<d0inks> superior

Ruddly: Radar is being a silly troll
Ruddly: and wont help
Ruddly: why does tiny mce do that?
Ruddly: [links to an image of a full screenshot of an application with no obvious problems]
Radar: do what
Radar: don't link me to that image
Ruddly: ok
Ruddly: well you have the white screen
Ruddly: but its really small
Ruddly: and the gray back ground
Ruddly: is bigger
Ruddly: making it look all funny and shit
Ruddly: thanks jereme
Ruddly: Radar is being a silly troll
Ruddly: and wont help
Radar: Ruddly: your problem is a CSS problem, go see #css
justsee_: thanks
Radar: Ruddly: you're being a silly noob and asking vague questions expecting people to understand.
Ruddly: stfu radar
Ruddly: im done with you
Ruddly: n00b
Radar: lol
jereme: haha
jereme: oh my

(in PM later)
Ruddly: your a jerk
Radar: It's "you're" or "you are"
Ruddly: dont correct me
Ruddly: im an arab
Ruddly: if you ever talk bad about me fool ill report your aussie ass to freenode you hear me?
Radar: rofl
Radar: Go for gold, I'm only stating the facts.
Ruddly: shut it
Radar: allah allah jihad jihad!
Ruddly: im done with you good DAY
Radar: mohammed!

[16:56] <Radar> AHA!!
[16:56] <jereme> !!!
[16:56] <Radar> jereme: remember Ruddly? He was also d0inks
[16:56] <jereme> hey he's one of the top ones
[16:56] <jereme> btw, I read Narley for awhile
[16:56] <jereme> super entertaining
[16:56] <Radar> yup
[16:57] <d0inks> shut up both of you
[16:57] <d0inks> im learning rails
[16:57] <-- Vegasmac has left this server (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
[16:57] <-- Sarotti has left this server (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
[16:57] <jereme> good good
[16:57] <jereme> from scratch
[16:57] <d0inks> yeah
[16:57] <nemlet> I think I can get around this by making Order_ref be the primary key, however we have a rather complex method of figuring out what the next primary key is going to be (a space saving method of filling in previously deleted blocks) so is there a way I can override ActiveRecords method of assinging a new primary key?
[16:57] <jereme> just like david hiensmann
[16:57] <Radar> I merged the two
[16:57] <Radar> http://twonklist.com/twonks/24
[16:57] <d0inks> i kinda just dove write in
[16:58] <d0inks> start tweaking with code
[16:58] <d0inks> not know what did what
[16:58] <d0inks> now im learning about MVC
[16:58] <d0inks> quite efficient
[16:58] <d0inks> and how to apply symbols
[16:58] <d0inks> to a user
[16:58] <jereme> understanding MVC and ruby are definitely cornerstones to your learning experience
[16:58] <d0inks> before learning MVC
[16:59] <d0inks> i didnt know wtf was going on
[16:59] <-- Aaaarg_ has left this server (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
[16:59] <d0inks> i was putting controller code in views
[16:59] --> arooni_____ has joined this channel (n=arooni__@c-67-168-26-198.hsd1.wa.comcast.net).
[16:59] <d0inks> and view code in models
[16:59] <d0inks> and model code in controllers
[16:59] --> collink has joined this channel (n=collin@adsl-163-48-72.hsv.bellsouth.net).
[16:59] <-- sudothinker has left this server.
[16:59] <d0inks> fucking with routes and putting them in eviroment.rb
[16:59] <jereme> what were you putting in the helpers?
[16:59] <joelmichael> fixtures
[16:59] <jereme> no need to swear
[17:00] <d0inks> i put some migration code in the helpers
[17:00] <jereme> ......
[17:00] <d0inks> i never even got a chance to see my app render on screen
[17:00] <d0inks> i kept seeing error screens instead
[17:00] <-> Radar> wow this guy is full of shit
[17:00] <d0inks> every time i thought i fixed an error
[17:00] <d0inks> another one came up
[17:00] <d0inks> reminded me og m php days
[17:01] <-- priidu has left this server (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
[17:01] <d0inks> where MVC was pointless
[17:01] <jereme> mvc is never pointless
[17:01] <-- lightnote has left this server.
[17:01] <jereme> php is pointless, not mvc
[17:01] <d0inks> i just hope that rails can survice and Microsoft takeover
[17:01] <jereme> that's what it stands for... Pointless Hypertext Processor
[17:02] <jereme> you hope that microsoft takes over rails?
[17:02] <d0inks> an*
[17:02] <d0inks> well
[17:02] <d0inks> think about it
[17:02] <d0inks> rails.net
[17:02] <d0inks> being able to interlope
[17:02] <jereme> it's called Iron Ruby
[17:02] <d0inks> C# CODE AND RAILS
[17:02] <jereme> it already exists
[17:02] <d0inks> and vb.net
[17:02] <d0inks> no
[17:02] <jereme> and rails doesn't need any part of it
[17:02] <d0inks> I mean RAILS.NET
[17:02] <fowlduck> they're making it
[17:02] <fowlduck> relax
[17:02] <fowlduck> stop smokin the pot
[17:03] <fowlduck> plz

And that was the last we heard from Narley. I miss him.